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Development of leadership qualities of students in higher educational institutions

Author: N.A.Tustikbayev1, S.Nauatov2

1Senior instructor, 2Master
1,2M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University, Taraz, Kazakhstan
Page 87-93


Abstract. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the directions of the psychological and pedagogical activities of university employees in developing the leadership qualities of students. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved in the work: identifying the degree of expression of students' leadership qualities; determination of directions for the development of leadership qualities of students by means of psychological and pedagogical practice. The study showed that the leadership qualities of students are mostly at the average level and need to be developed. As possible directions for solving the problem of developing students' leadership qualities, it is proposed to introduce special disciplines into the educational process, use technologies and methods for organizing educational activities aimed at enhancing students' leadership potential.

Keywords: leadership, leadership qualities, charisma, charismatic influence, students, development, psychological and pedagogical practice, self-actualizing personality values.