About the journal

Scientific journal «Bulletin Dulaty University»

Issue schedule: quarterly (4 times a year)

Languages: Kazakh, Russian, English

ISSN 2788-4724

eISSN 2790-833X

The certificate of re-registration: KZ43VPY00028452 (29.10.2020)

Сertificate of JSC NCSTE: GOST 7.5-98 «Magazines, collections, information publications and GOST 7.1-2003 Publishing design of published materials and «Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General assembly requirements and rules». Сertificate of JSC NCSTE

The journal accepted for publication articles to the following areas:

- technical science;

- natural science specialties;

- socially-humanitarian sciences;

- economic and environmental sciences;

- pedagogical sciences;

- philological sciences;

- legal sciences.

The journal is published since 2021.

The journal's activities are carried out in accordance with the document "Regulations on scientific periodicals" approved by the order of the. No. 152 dated 11/19/2020). 


Distribution in link systems. The journal "Bulletin of Dulaty University" is included in the following databases:

- the Russian National Bibliographic database of scientific citation RISC

- to the Kazakhstan citation database KBC


Contact Information:

Adress: 080000, Taraz, Tole bi str., 60.

Phone: +7 7262 45-35-10

WhatsApp: 8 707 106 70 78

Fax: +7 7262 43-24-02

URL: http://journals.dulaty.kz

E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Founder аnd publisher: Non-commercial joint-stock company “M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University”.