Review process order

The procedure for checking for plagiarism. Each article published in the journal Dulaty University Bulletin is subject to plagiarism verification using the licensed software "StrikePlagiarism". The manuscripts that has been passed throw checking for plagiarism is sent for review. The manuscripts that have not passed the plagiarism test are not allowed to proceed to the next stage. The authors are notified about this.

Type and order of reviewing submissions. Only submissions recommended and approved by reviewers and members of the editorial board based on the results of peer review are allowed for publication in the journal Dulaty University Bulletin. Submissions are reviewed in two stages.

At the first stage, the author’s Manuscripts is sent for review by 1-2 independent scientists (experts) who have academic degrees of Doctor or PhD, whose research field correspond to the subject and content of the manuscript. Experts who are not members of the editorial board of the journal are involved as reviewers, as well as domestic and foreign scientists who have publications in journals included in the Scopus or Web of Science databases (Russia һ-6, Lithuania һ-1 etc.). The manuscript is sent for "double blind" review. A review form is attached additionally. The review is typed on a computer with a volume of on 1-2 sheets indicating the surname, initials, position and academic degree of the reviewer. The review reflects the relevance, value and significance of the research results, as well as comments (if any) and recommendations for the publication (or rejection) of the manuscript. The duration of consideration of manuscript by reviewers should not exceed 10 days. The electronic (scanned) version of the prepared review is sent via the online submission system to the journal at the link

After passing the peer review, the manuscript, which received positive feedback (recommendations), is sent to the next stage of verification. In case of detection deviation, the manuscript is returned to the author for making appropriate corrections. In case of a negative recommendation of the reviewer, the manuscript is not accepted for publication. This decision is communicated to the author in letter signed by the editor-in-chief.

At the second stage, the manuscript that has passed the review is considered by one of the members of the editorial board to check its compliance with the requirements of a scientific publication and obtain consent (or disagreement) for publication. The duration its consideration by a member of the editorial board is no more than 5 days. If the editorial board member has a negative opinion, the submission is returned to the author for revision or rejected.

An article that has passed the full cycle of verification and approved for publication is accepted for inclusion in the next issue of the journal.