Главная - Архив - Механика и технологии - Жаңа номер - Механика және технологиялар - Механика және технологиялар 2024-2 - Development of a mathematical model and analysis of the release of impurities from the fibrous mass when cleaning cotton fiber using an aeromechanical method

Development of a mathematical model and analysis of the release of impurities from the fibrous mass when cleaning cotton fiber using an aeromechanical method

Author: A.B. Zhambylbay, O.Sh. Sarimsakov, B.M. Mardanov, A.A. Yeshzhanov
Page 369-379


Abstract. The article deals with cotton fiber cleaning in aeromechanical cleaners. Research has established that the fiber cleaning process is accompanied by shock effects on the material, which ultimately negatively affects its quality and quantity. Due to the imperfection of fiber cleaning technology and devices, some of these impurities remain in the fibrous mass, and some of the fibers are lost as part of the outgoing litter. The authors, based on the laws of movement of a continuous medium, obtained the dependences of changes in density, pressure and speed of air flow with fibrous mass on the parameters of the medium. A pattern has been established for reducing the mass of the fibrous medium as a result of the release of weed impurities from it as a result of impact interaction with fixed grates. It is shown that a significant increase in the amount of isolated weed impurities is observed after interaction with the first four grates of the cleaning section. Further, the removal of impurities is significantly reduced. It has also been established that, from an economic point of view, it is not advisable to install more than one cleaning section, since the following sections will not give a sufficient cleaning effect even when installing one cleaning section, in order to cover the missing cleaning effect, it is necessary to find ways to improve the machine implement of the fiber cleaner.

Keywords: cotton, fiber, aeromechanical fiber cleaner, fiber vices, weed impurities, saw cylinder, saw teeth, grate, cleaning effect.

Zhambylbay A.B., Sarimsakov O.Sh., Mardanov B.M., Yeshzhanov A.A. Development of a mathematical model and analysis of the release of impurities from the fibrous mass when cleaning cotton fiber using an aeromechanical method // Mechanics and Technology / Scientific journal. – 2024. – No.2(84). – P.369-379. https://doi.org/10.55956/RRQO6775